I think we're all mature enough to know what Cartoonist Sean Delonas was going for in this OH, SO CLEVER illustration. But, I mean, doesn't there come a point when you have to ask yourself, "Is this going to make people lose their shit and come after me bearing torches, pitchforks and rope?" It goes beyond naivete to think that we live in a post-racial utopia because this country elected it's first black president back in November. And, even if this was the case, you can't, under any circumstance, draw parallels between a monkey and a black man. Especially if that black man happens to be our commander-in-chief. Where's your sense of history, Mr. Delonas? I hate to break it to you, but you're probably going to end up on Olbermann's Worst Person in the World segment later tonite. Other than that, I expect the blowback to be extremely minimal.